SPECweb2005 Release 1.20 Support Workload Design Document

Version 1.20, Last modified 04/05/2006


The Support workload in SPECweb2005 was designed to simulate a vendor's support web site.  Users are able to search for products, browse a listing of available products, filter a listing of available downloads based upon certain criteria, and then download file(s).   The workload was developed by analyzing log files of actual support sites, as well as browsing major computer vendors' support sites to gather statistics such as average page size, image sizes and access frequencies (including If-Modified-Since caching from the browser side).  The access patterns seen in actual log files for file downloads is modeled in this workload.

Dynamic pages

While there are dynamic pages within the support workload requested by clients, the pages are much simpler by design than the two other workloads.  For example, there is no user data that must persist across page requests (and would need to be stored in a session cookie).  Instead, this workload emphasizes the file downloads, which are large static files.  Since there is no secure (HTTPS) component in this workload, the primary subsystems that are expected to be stressed are the network and disks.

The dynamic pages in the support workload are listed below:

Markov chain

SPECweb2005 is based upon a page-based model; that is, it issues a request to a dynamic page and requests all the images that would normally exist within the page as HTML image tags.  A Markov chain in the harness allows simulation of the relative page request frequencies as seen from the server side.  This is represented in the prime client's SPECweb_Ecommerce.config (see the STATE_n lines).  Below is a diagram of the likelihood of transitioning from one state into another:


Static file set

The static portion of the Support file set is generated by Wafgen.  Each workload has a fixed file set and a file set that scales with the number of simultaneous user sessions requested.

Fixed file set

The fixed file set consists of two types of files: images that an HTML page would reference via <IMG> tags in the HTML (and that a browser would request while receiving a page response), and "padding".  Padding consists of random text that is inserted at the bottom of a dynamic page to bring the file size up to what was observed with real-world E-commerce Web pages (which have, among other things, JavaScript code and numerous layout tags).  The page image sizes of the fixed file set were determined by analyzing and averaging file sizes observed; the sizes range from very small (less than 100 bytes) to ~5 KB; the former are usually "spacer" images used throughout the site for aligning tables, while the latter tend to be small GIF images and Javascript includes.  The page images used in the Support workload, along with their size and percentage of being cached by the browser (i.e. receiving an HTTP 304 Not Modified response from the SUT) are listed in the table below.

File Name Size (bytes) 304 Request %
aaa 30 66%
ccc 30 66%
___ 810 66%
bar 60 80%
blue_arrow_right 50 66%
blue_arrow_top 50 80%
content_action 270 75%
content_arrow 130 80%
email 110 66%
flattab_nl 80 66%
flattab_nr 90 66%
flattab_sl 90 66%
flattab_sr 90 66%
global 4,180 80%
help 700 66%
H_D 1,830 66%
masthead_transparent 1,510 80%
masthead_global 110 66%
masthead_local_sep 70 66%
masthead_subnavsep 60 66%
nav_q 250 66%
print 360 66%
spacer 40 80%
template_javascripts 5,670 80%
us 80 66%
note 980 50%
h_product_selection 1,920 0%
button-1 240 0%
button-2 260 0%
button-3 260 0%
H_Service_Tag_Unkown 2,170 0%

Scaling file set

Downloads are the component of the Support file set that scales as the number of requested simultaneous sessions increases.  Due to the fact that larger web servers are expected to service more files, the size of the workload file set is a function of the requested number of simultaneous connections. This is to maintain some degree of reality as a some one purchasing a powerful server has greater expectations of how many downloads can be served at any given time.

The number of directories is determined using the following formula:

directory count = 0.25 * SIMULTANEOUS_SESSIONS

During a benchmark run, a Zipf distribution is used to access each directory.  A Zipf distribution is a distribution where the probability of selecting the nth item is proportional to 1/n. Zipf distributions are empirically associated with situations where there are many equal-cost alternatives.  The alpha value for the Zipf directory selection algorithm is 1.2; this value was chosen because experiments showed that low alpha values allow more of the file set to be cached.  This workload is intended to access the disks rather than memory for a reasonable percentage of downloads.

The QoS requirements for the downloads are based on byte rates rather than the time it takes to receive the data.  This approach differs from the Time_Good and Time_Tolerable metrics used for Web pages, as there is not the same expectation of large files arriving within a certain timeframe; instead, a user might expect the download to arrive at close to the bandwidth allotted by the service provider.  In this benchmark, each user session is simulated at 1Mbps (100,000 bytes/second), and 95% of downloads must meet a minimum 99,000 bytes/sec rate and 99% of downloads must meet a minimum 95,000 bytes/sec for a run to be considered compliant.

Each directory consists of 16 file downloads.  The downloads are grouped by file size into into six distinct categories, or classes.  The classes and the distribution frequencies are shown in the table below:

Workload Class

File sizes

# Files per Class

Stepping increment

Target Mix

Class 0

104,858 - 524,290 bytes


104,858 bytes


Class 1

629,146 - 880,804 bytes


125,829 bytes


Class 2

1,048,576 - 2,527,069 bytes


492,831 bytes


Class 3

4,194,304 - 5,546,967 bytes


1,352,663 bytes


Class 4

9,992,929 bytes




Class 5

37,748,736 bytes




Once a class has been selected, an individual file within a class is selected according to the following distribution:

Workload Class

File number

Target Mix

Class 0



1 9.1%
2 16.5%
3 18.6%
4 28.5%

Class 1



1 17.8%
2 24.3%

Class 2



1 17.0%
2 17.0%
3 38.5%

Class 3

0 66.6%
1 33.3%

Class 4



Class 5



The sizes, frequencies, and directory scaling factor were determined from aggregating server-side Web server logs and observing client-side Web browser caches.

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