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SPECapcSM benchmark v1.0
for Unigraphics 15.0.2
Page 1 of 2
hp workstation x2000
Submitted By : hp
Overall Composite: 100% 2.91
Graphics 1 Composite (Ass'y and Mech.): 25% 4.09
Graphics 2 Composite (Drafting): 25% 2.28
CPU Composite: 25% 2.26
I/O Composite: 20% 3.59
Other Operations Composite: 5% 2.82
Test Date: Apr-2001
Availablility Date: Apr-2001
Price: $4,206
Measured Operation Code Test   Reference Category Ref/
times         times   Measured
(secs)         (secs)   ratio
22.17 Graphics (Assembly) 1-2-27 (ASSY) Load of assy (shade,perspective) 61.53 I/O 2.78
5.57 2-3-4 zoom&rotate shaded image 40.14 Graphics1 7.21
5.30 2-4-5 rotate w/clip planes shaded image 35.84 Graphics1 6.76
23.71 6 High Quality Shading 97.17 Graphics1 4.10
5.37 2-4 rotate shaded image 39.48 Graphics1 7.35
1.10 1a-2 (ASSY) load shaded image 4.84 I/O 4.40
1.87 4-7-8 rotate wireframe anti-alias lines 4.13 Graphics1 2.21
6.97 2-10 assign light source to shaded image 23.36 Graphics1 3.35
0.53 1b-7 (PART) load wireframe part 2.00 I/O 3.77
8.20 2-9-4 rotate shaded image (text ref lines) 27.41 Graphics1 3.34
2.35 Drafting 28(ASSY) change display part 5.75 Other 2.45
72.64 16-17 dwg creation/add view to dwg 160.06 Graphics2 2.20
65.49 24-22 relocate dwg view/change view display 147.11 Graphics2 2.25
11.55 13-15 edit feature/model update 32.34 Graphics2 2.80
74.19 18 dwg update 144.53 Graphics2 1.95
0.39 NC Machining 1c-2 (PART) load part (shaded image) 1.69 I/O 4.33
127.59 23 generate tool path 210.69 CPU 1.65
0.21 20 close all 0.70 Other 3.33
0.30 Feature
Options / Analysis
1d-2 (PART) load part (shaded image) 1.08 I/O 3.60
1.05 11 mass property analysis 2.27 CPU 2.16
1.26 12-13 subtract solid/edit feature 3.48 CPU 2.76
0.25 14 delete feature 0.66 CPU 2.64
0.29 19 change layout 0.80 CPU 2.76
1.28 11a mass property analysis 2.55 CPU 1.99
0.98 25-26-3-12 create feature/transform/zoom/subtract solid 2.52 CPU 2.57
0.13 20a close all 0.38 Other 2.92
0.33 Solid Creation 29-25-12-25 open file/create feat/subt solid/create feature 0.63 CPU 1.91
16.37 25-2-30 create hole/shaded image/create pattern 31.14 CPU 1.90
4.54 25-30-12 create block/create pattern/subtract solid 11.67 CPU 2.57
2.89 25-12 create cylinder/subtract solid 6.53 CPU 2.26
0.16 20b close all 0.42 Other 2.63
0.79 Mechanisms 1e-2(ASSY) load assembly 2.34 I/O 2.96
9.21 31 mechanism 19.97 Graphics1 2.17
0.08 20c close all 0.23 Other 2.88
© Copyright 2000, Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. All brand names and trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.
SPECapcSM benchmark v1.0
for Unigraphics 15.0.2
Page 2 of 2
hp workstation x2000
Submitted By : hp
Overall Composite: 100% 2.91
Graphics 1 Composite (Ass'y and Mech.): 25% 4.09
Graphics 2 Composite (Drafting): 25% 2.28
CPU Composite: 25% 2.26
I/O Composite: 20% 3.59
Other Operations Composite: 5% 2.82
Test Date: Apr-2001
Availablility Date: Apr-2001
Price: $4,206
Graphics Accelerator FireGL2 CPU Type Pentium 4 1.7 GHz Processor 
Graphics Driver 4.00.1381.2066 Number of CPUs 1  
Total graphics memory 64MB Floating Point Integrated
Color Depth 32bit Primary Cache (KB) 16/16 (D/I) 
Overlay/Underlay Buffer 8/0 + 8/0 bit Secondary Cache (KB) 256  
Depth Buffer 24bit Tertiary Cache (KB)
Accumulation Buffer 0 Memory (MB) 512 MB RDRAM
Auxiliary Buffer 0bit Disk Size (GB) 20 GB
Other Buffer 8 bits (WID) Disk Manuf / Model Quantum Fireball
Display List Memory Virtual Memory Disk RPM 7,200
Texture Memory 44MB Disk Interface ATA/100
DISPLAY HARDWARE CONFIGURATION  Disk Controller (opt) Integrated
Display Manufacturer / Model HP D8906A Page Size (KB) 4096 
Display Resolution 1280 x 1024  SYSTEM SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION
Display Size/Type 17" CRT  OS Microsoft Windows NT
Version 4.0
(Build 1381: Service Pack 6)
Display Refresh Rate 75 Hz 
Swap on Vertical Retrace Off 
COMMENTS Window System Microsoft Windows
  API Vendor/Version S3 / 1.2.2066
Application Version 15.0.2
Window Width 1280 
Window Height 1024 
© Copyright 2000, Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. All brand names and trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.