Updates Benchmark
for PTC's Pro/ENGINEER™ 2000i² |
WARRENTON, Va., December 20, 2000 - SPEC/GPC's Application Performance Characterization (SPECapc) project group today released an updated benchmark for systems running Pro/ENGINEER™ 2000i². The benchmark and initial performance results from SPECapc members are available for free on this web site. The new benchmark uses the same model and operations as previous versions, but has been updated to reflect new functionality added in Pro/ENGINEER™ 2000i². Results from previous Pro/E benchmarks cannot be compared accurately to those from the new benchmark. SPECapc is a project group of the Graphics Performance Characterization (GPC) Group, which in turn is part of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corp. (SPEC). SPEC is a non-profit corporation formed to establish, maintain and endorse a standardized set of relevant benchmarks that can be applied to the newest generation of high-performance computers. SPEC's membership includes computer hardware and software vendors, leading universities, and research facilities worldwide. ### Press contacts: |