SPEC CPU®2017 Benchmark Description

Benchmark Name


Benchmark Author

The Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) is maintained by a collaborative partnership, principally among the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and the Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL), the Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA), the Naval Research Laboratory, the University of Oklahoma, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The list of current development teams can be found at http://www.wrf-model.org/development/development.php.

Benchmark Program General Category

Weather Research and Forecasting.

Benchmark Description

621.wrf_s is based on Version 3.6.1 of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) available from http://www.wrf-model.org/index.php. From the WRF Home page:

The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model is a next-generation mesoscale numerical weather prediction system designed to serve both operational forecasting and atmospheric research needs. It features multiple dynamical cores, a 3-dimensional variational (3DVAR) data assimilation system, and a software architecture allowing for computational parallelism and system extensibility. WRF is suitable for a broad spectrum of applications across scales ranging from meters to thousands of kilometers.

Input Description

The input dataset to WRF covers the January 2000 North American Blizzard, beginning at midnight GMT on 24 January, 2000 and running for 1 simulated day. This single non-nested WRF domain is a grid 74 by 61 cells over the Eastern United States and areas of the Atlantic along the eastern seaboard at a horizontal resolution of 30km (horizontal dimension of a grid cell). There are 28 vertical levels. The time step is 60 seconds. The model will generate history output at the beginning of the run and then every 3 simulated hours.

Inputs for both throughput (rate) and speed tests are the same. The only differences are that the throughput test runs for 10 timesteps, and the speed test runs for 60 timesteps. For the speed test, OpenMP may be used to distribute the increased work over multiple threads of execution.

Output Description

To validate the forecast, SPEC® uses the WRF 'diffwrf' utility, which is included in the src/ directory for the benchmark , and which is built at the same time that the main executable is built. The flow is:

If a field does not match what diffwrf expects, it writes a line such as this one:

Field   Ndifs    Tol       RMS (1)            RMS (2)     DIGITS   RMSE pntwise max
V10      4380      2   0.6537097127E+01   0.6447425267E+01   1      0.3738E+00   0.1498E+00

In the above, diffwrf reports that of all the V10 values computed by the benchmark, there were 4380 that were not an exact match for the expected value. Diffwrf computes the RMS (root-mean-square) for the expected values (column 4) and the benchmark-computed values (column 5). Column 3 is the allowed tolerance when comparing these RMS values and column 6 is the tolerance that would be needed if this field were to be considered to have passed. These tolerances can be thought of as - roughly - the number of digits that are expected to match. More precisely, they are computed as log10( 1.0 / (abs(rms1-rms2)/rms2)). Column 7 is the sum of the errors between the between the expected and the benchmark-computed values. Column 8 indicates the max error seen.

In short: the V10 field is validated loosely, with only about 2 digits expected to match for its RMS; and in this example, the benchmark matched only about 1 digit.

Programming Language

621.wrf_s uses both Fortran90 and C source.

Known portability issues

  1. Subnormals
    Some calculations generate 'subnormal' numbers (wikipedia) which may cause slower operation than normal numbers on some hardware platforms. On such platforms, performance may be improved if "flush to zero on underflow" (FTZ) is enabled. During SPEC's testing, the output validated correctly whether or not FTZ was enabled.

  2. Portability flags and a debug suggestion
    Approved portability flags are included with the Example config files in $SPEC/config (or, on Windows, %SPEC%\config); and with published results at www.spec.org/cpu2017/results. If you are developing for a new platform, you can use these as a reference; and you may also find it useful to (temporarily, in a work directory) adjust the debug_level setting in namelist.input. For example, setting debug_level=1 supplements an error code (such as ierr=-1021) by adding its message text to the log (in this case: NetCDF error: Invalid dimension id or name).

  3. Odd errors for 621.wrf_s when using GCC 7
    GCC bugzilla report 81195 says I'm seeing many different kinds of failures when running a wrf_s binary compiled with gcc mainline. Double free aborts. Segfaults. Fortran runtime error: End of file. Etc.. Similar problems were seen by a SPEC CPU® developer, along with hangs (runs that never ended).

    The problem was fixed in GCC 7.3 by libgfortran patch request PR78387. Note that you need a libgfortran built from the 7.3 sources; it is not sufficient to merely upgrade gfortran.

    Problem signature: If you see odd symptoms with wrf_s and can generate a stack trace (e.g. with gdb or gstack), check for mentions of stash_internal_unit. If it is present, then it is likely that you are missing the fix from PR78387. For example:

    #9  0x00007f7651ca586f in _gfortrani_stash_internal_unit () from /lib64/libgfortran.so.4

    The above was seen Jun-2018 on a system using CentOS Linux release 7.5 with /opt/rh/devtoolset-7/root/usr/bin/gfortran; however, as of that time, the libgfortran was from GCC 7.2.

    Workaround: Install a copy of libgfortran based on GCC 7.3 or later.

  4. GCC 10 argument mismatch: If you compile using GCC 10 (and presumably later) compilers, you must use -fallow-argument-mismatch. If you do not include this flag, compiles will fail with message:

    Error: Type mismatch between actual argument at (1) and actual argument at (2)

    For more information, see https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-10/porting_to.html.

    Note that in accordance with the same-for-all rule www.spec.org/cpu2017/Docs/runrules.html#BaseFlags it is not allowed to set -fallow-argument-mismatch as a PORTABILITY option. Instead, it must be applied to all of Base. The Example GCC config files as updated for SPEC CPU 2017 v1.1.5 obey this rule.

Sources and Licensing

The benchmark was contributed directly to SPEC by UCAR. Note: Therefore, source code references to other terms under which the program may be available are not relevant for the SPEC CPU® version. It uses netcdf; for details, see SPEC CPU®2017 Licenses.


Last updated: $Date: 2022-02-15 16:52:44 -0500 (Tue, 15 Feb 2022) $

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